Do you want to know how to be a hand model for TV commercials? Many people think that hand models need to be fashion models. Quite a few hand models who get booked for TV commercials are actors whose hands work and look right for advertising ads.

What Do Your Hands Need to Look Like to Be a Hand Model?

Good hands were needed for this ad
Aaron Marcus in a pharmaceutical ad

There are different types of ads where various looking hands are needed.

Most hand models who get cast have long and thin fingers. They must not be scratched up, bruised or flaky. Skin must me smooth. They must look
great while holding a product.

And, sometimes, just the opposite is needed. If you are doing an ad for
construction equipment, they most likely will want rougher looking hands.

Hand Modeling For TV Commercials

Being a hand model for TV commercials is a little different than
other types of hand modeling jobs.

For my job, as you will learn about in the video, I had to take a lot of
directions from the director of the TV commercial. My hand had to move
in a specific way to make the food look interesting and enticing. This was not a still shot, so my hand had to move in a specific direction and look graceful.

Be Careful What You Eat and Drink Before a Hand Modeling Job

Hand models need to be very conscious of what they eat or drink before a hand modeling job. If you can get a little jittery when consuming caffeine,
then I would suggest you don’t drink or eat anything with caffeine. You can’t
have your hand shaking at all during the job.

Most Commercial Agents Represent Hand Models

Most commercial agents who represent actors for TV commercials and commercial models will also represent and submit talent for hand modeling jobs. You will need to send photos of your hand to the agent to make sure they are perfect for commercial modeling work. Most hand models (who don’t do this full-time) have photos of themselves and make sure their hands are clearly visible. This allows photographers, art and creative directors at ad agencies and the client to see if your hands are right for the job.

Have You Done Any Hand Modeling Work

If you have ever worked as a hand model, please share your experience in the comment section of the YouTube Channel.

Another Great Video For You to Watch

1 Trick to Getting More Acting and Modeling Jobs

Here is the link for you to learn 1 trick to getting more acting and modeling jobs.

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Looking forward to talking with you again soon.


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