Beware, sometimes bad things actually happen on film sets. This bad thing happened to me. Like with any type of job, sometimes we run into people who are not very nice. After 37 + years as a full-time actor and nearly 1,300 bookings, I am bound to run into a handful of bad situations. And, I want to share one of them with you so you can prevent this bad thing from happening to you.

Learn What you Can/Can’t Do to Help Prevent Bad Things From Happening On Film Sets

This was not where bad things happened to me. This still was from a TV commercial I worked on.
This is not where bad things happened to me on a film set.
This was a really fun TV commercial I worked on

I just began my acting career and was working as an extra on a feature film set. The scene had a number of us sitting at a bar, drinking and talking.

Many takes were done. I noticed that since we were actually drinking sometimes at the beginning of a take, there was very little liquid in my glass.

My Mistake Caused a Bad Thing to Happen On a Film Set

I never would have believed that what I did next would have caused the first bad thing to happen to me on a film set.

I thought it would be helpful to let the props person (who was in charge of all of the glasses and drinks) know that the level of my drink was very low at the beginning of some of the takes.

This was when bad things actually happened to me on a film set
This is when the bad thing happened to me on a set

I mentioned it to him in a nice way. I wasn’t accusing him of not paying attention. I just wanted to make sure he knew about the continuity issue. He didn’t take it well. He yelled “Are you in the props department?” I told him that I was not. He then continued to say quite a few things that I won’t repeat here, but just to say, they weren’t very complimentary. That was the first time something bad actually happened to me on a film set.

Knowing Job Responsibilities Help Prevent Bad Things To Happen On Film Sets

Even though now I know what I should and should not be doing on a film set, if I feel comfortable, and like those I am working with, then I would still say something if I see a problem. I don’t want there to be an issue once editing begins because nothing was said. But, I am very careful about the situation. There have been times, where I don’t get involved. And, sometimes I will still say something if the situation feels right.

Have Any Bad Things Actually Happen To You On a Film Set

If you ever experienced something bad on a film set, share it with others in the comment section of the channel. This way we can all learn and help each other.


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I look forward to talking with you again soon.

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