Aaron Marcus feeling nervous
Aaron Marcus Feeling Nervous and Scared

Nervous on Sets? This Simple Technique Helps Me Feel Calmer

Have you ever been nervous on sets? Many actors, even famous actors feel nervous on sets before shooting begins. The technique you will learn in the videos helps me feel calmer and more relaxed before shooting the scene.

Everyone reacts differently when arriving on a film or TV set.

Feeling Nervous on Sets?

Some actors fear forgetting lines, feel performance anxiety, have self-doubt, feel anxiety, get performance jitters causing dry mouth, cold sweats, insecurity a racing heart and even panic attacks.

These are not crazy reactions, but common feelings for lots of actors. If you ever experienced some or many of these emotions, don’t worry, it is common.

This can be especially true for those who haven’t had much experience as principal actors in a film or TV project. We can feel so much pressure.

The purpose of saying this is not wanting to scare anyone. Instead, I want to share the reality for many actors. And, more importantly my goal is to help my fellow actors understand and best deal with these real emotions.

This video will teach you one incredibly helpful and easy tip that has been very helpful to me. When possible, I use this tip while working on my lines prior to and after arriving on the set. It really calms me down a lot and allows me to focus much more on my work.


If you ever felt nervous on a set, share your experience
in the comment section of the YouTube Channel page.

Another Helpful Video to Watch

Acting Work Dead? 5 Amazing Strategies to Resurrect Your Career
Click Here to Watch


Continuing to learn about the industry is essential to having success. That is why spending time watching helpful acting, modeling and industry related videos is so important.

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The point of having the acting and modeling quick tips channel is to build a community of actors and models sharing information and helping each other.

I look forward to talking with you again soon.

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