1) A KISS BEFORE YOU GO a short film by Carley Marissa


2) Independent Short Film

3) /A Kiss Before You Go/ is the story of what happens to a young couple
after they are forced to experience a defeating act of sexual violence.
A year and a half after this experience that tears them apart, fate
brings them together again. They are given the rare opportunity to
spend one more night together, not only to reminisce, but to hopefully,
heal and move on.


– Wednesday July 17th: NEED 15 EXTRAS for Busy Cafe Scene; roughly 5:30p- 9p

5) Unpaid – Meal(s) and/or Snacks will be provided
6) Intended for submission to Local, National and International festivals
7) Filming in Austin, TX

If interested, please email HEADSHOT to
akisscasting@gmail.com with “EXTRA” in
the subject line.

Stephanie Ard
Producer – /A Kiss Before You Go/

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