I have been asked by a lot of people if their expenses are paid for if they book a job that is shot out of town. That is a tricky question to answer because there are a number of factors that will determine if hotels, airfare and meals are covered for a film or TV project that is shot far from your home.
First, if this is a non-union project, then there are no specific answers. There are no rules that a producer has to follow, and it is possible you will have expenses paid for, or, you could be expected to pay them on your own. You always have to ask your agent, or if you booked the job directly, you need to talk with someone in production before you accept the project.
If this is a Union project, then there is still not necessarily one correct answer. If you audition in your hometown and the project is being shot far from you, then you can expect to have all of your expenses paid for.
However, sometimes actors are willing to travel a long distance to audition and will only be considered for the job if they can be hired as a “local hire.” That means, they will book you, but you must be considered local and you will be treated as if you live in the area of the shoot. That means you are responsible for getting yourself to the set, paying for your hotel accommodations and meals when not working.
Your agent will have discussed this with you before the audition. If not, make sure you bring this up to your agent so there are no surprises. It will be up to you to decide if it is worth your time and money to be cast as a local.

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