Pittsburgh, PA area

Open Casting Call for A&E Series ‘Those Who Kill’

The new A&E scripted crime drama series Those Who Kill , is set to
begin filming in Pittsburgh and they need extras. Those Who Kill is
based on a Danish crime series format inspired by author Elsebeth
Egholm. The show follows a police detective who searches for serial
killers. Along the way, she also suspects her stepfather a serial
killer. The pilot was filmed in December 2012 and will begin
production in Pittsburgh this fall. The show, which will star Chloë
Sevigny and James D’Arcy, is scheduled to premiere in 2014.

The extras casting director is seeking men and women, all types, all
ages, any ethnicity, who are available to work in the Pittsburgh, PA
area as fully paid extras, stand-ins, and photo doubles. If interested
please submit a recent color snapshot photo, name, age, location,
height, weight, clothing sizes, as well as make and model of your
vehicle if you have one, and all contact information to:
Subject line: / you role / name/ contact #/
http://twitter.com/teamholdingcorp / 646-240-8133

You may also register at www.mossercasting.com


  1. My name is Brandon Kitchen. I am from Green Ohio and a sophmore in high school. My dream is to be an actor, even if i start off as an extra:)

    1. Brandon, it is a good idea to do some extra work. It will give you a chance to see what takes place on a set.
      If you would like to get even more incredible information from me, just visit my home page and sign up for my free 30 Day Challenge. Then you will be on my weekly mailing list.

      Take care.

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