From Casey, WI:

What Should I Place On My Resume?


Dear Casey:

I do have a few suggestions. In my book How to Become a Successful Actor and Model, I have a sample resume that you can use as a guide.

The most important part of your resume is to be honest with your credits. You can list productions you did, even if it was years ago. As long as you really were in it, then list it.

If you were taking a class and did a scene study, then list it as a scene study. That way people know you have studied, and they will also know what you have studied.

If you decide to list extra work on your resume, make sure you let people know it was extra work. Don’t try and fool others by making it seem like you really were a “day player” when you were only an extra.

Don’t list anything that has to do with modeling or pageants. Also, if you have some interesting special skills, make sure they are listed.

Just remember, it takes time to build a strong resume. People don’t get cast because of their resume. The resume gives more information for casting to see, but your look and audition is what gets you the part.

5 thoughts on “What Should I Place On My Resume?

  1. My agent told me not to put “extra” on my resume, but rather to put the name of the role, i.e. “party guest.”
    Is this okay to do as long as you’re not claiming you were a lead character? And if you’re a featured extra, can you put the title of the role followed by “featured” – i.e., Vasquez attorney, featured?”

    1. Hi Bonnie,

      I don’t think that would be a good idea. You don’t want to try and fool people into thinking that you were a principal when you were cast as an extra. And, “featured” is still not letting people know about your acting skills. I think it is best to only list principal work. If you have never done principal roles, then I recommend that you do list (extra) next to the role description.

    1. I offer entire workshops on what is needed on a resume.

      The short version is your:

      contact info
      work experience – acting
      special skills

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