12 thoughts on “Why Auditioning is Like Making a Deposit at the Bank (Vlog)

  1. So glad you put this out there! I have had this thought several times over the years, while searching for “the lemonade” in the latest “lemon” and it is nice to have it confirmed in such a positive way! But another piece of advice: Don’t try to make those in your family who want you to get a “real job” understand it! They won’t!

    1. Thanks Brenda,

      Yes, it is hard for many people to understand why someone would pursue something as
      difficult and unsteady as the acting and or modeling industry. All you can do is
      do things that passionate about and not seek others for approval.

      Have you ever experienced this type of situations?

  2. Thank you, Aaron! I needed to hear that! I’ve had a number of auditions lately and haven’t booked a thing…but they keep calling me back for auditions so that keeps me hopeful!

    Erin Reinhard

    1. Erin, so glad this was helpful to you. It took me a while to learn that getting
      a call back is the real sign of people liking your audition. What types of projects
      have you auditioned for?

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