I got a phone call from my Pittsburgh agent (Docherty Talent) to audition for a film
called “Love and Other Drugs.” It was a 5-hour drive (each way) for me, but I always
like auditioning at Donna Belajac Casting. Donna is wonderful with actors and even
though I could have shot and emailed in the audition, when I have the chance to
audition with Donna I will make the long drive. She always gives me
information that makes my audition stronger.

My role was for a seminar presenter in a scene with Anne Hathaway, Jake Gyllenhaal
and a number of other people who were attending my seminar. I had a good sense of
what this character was all about and who I was talking to in the scene. I thought the
audition went really well. I have learned over the years that quite often there is little correlation
between doing a great audition and booking a job. There are so many factors that go into getting
and not getting the part, that my number one goal for every audition is not booking the job. Instead my goals are:

1. To enjoy myself.

2. Learn from the audition.

3. If I book the job, that is simply icing on the cake, but not my number one goal.

So a few days after the audition I get a call from my agent saying I have a call back.

Now I will be reading for the director of the film, Edward Zwick. I am excited about
getting a chance to read for Mr. Zwick. I am ready, have my lines memorized, blocked out the
day for travel, and the night before the call back, I get a call from the agent saying that my part
was cut from the script, so there will be no call back.

That was too bad, but as I said earlier, there really are so many factors that go into
booking a job, that you have to really keep your emotions in check until after you
have actually been cast and shoot your scene.

Let me know your thoughts. Do you have an interesting story to share from an audition? Add a new comment below.

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