4 thoughts on “Acting and Modeling Quick Tip This Will Fix Your Problem On a Set

  1. Thank you Aaron Marcus, Your tips and video’s are very helpful. I am new to the industry and appreciate all the good advice and information you share.

    Thank You So Much,
    Cylinda McAlister

  2. Hi Cylinda.

    So nice to hear from you, and welcome to my acting and modeling family. I am really glad you decided to sign up to receive my information. I know how hard it can be to get started, so that is one of the reasons for offering my monthly online workshops. I want to make sure you have the link for the October session – http://howtomodel.com/standin-extra-jobs.

    Always feel free to reach out if you have questions.

    Cylinda, have you had a chance to audition for any projects since returning from AMTC?

    Take care.

  3. Just wanted to thank you! This was helpful! One day I will see a webinar/seminar/ or just plane meet you. Have a great rest of the week!

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