I recently had an audition for a TV commercial. The other actor in my scene was great. There were no lines in the spot, so it was all improvisational with a lot of physical movements. We had great chemistry and timing during the audition. The six people watching the audition genuinely seemed to like our work. They laughed at the right spots, and things felt great when we were done. I did not book the job.

Even though I believed the audition went well, I know from having been cast 1,197 times so far, that having a great audition is only the second most important aspect to booking a job. The number one factor for getting the job is your look.

I am sure that everyone who attended the call back for this TV audition was very good. I know the final decision came down to looks. Who matched up best with whom, and which actor had the specific look that was right for the product.

So, not booking the job, in many cases has nothing to do with your actual performance.

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