Whether you are thinking about dyeing your hair or even if that does not effect you,
you want to watch this video.

There is so much uncertainty about whether having grey/white hair will help ones
acting or modeling career. That is a complicated question to answer.

For years I knew that my younger looking face did not match my natural grey hair.
So, I dyed it for years. Then I reached an age where I believed that my face would
look natural with grey hair. So, I let it grow out naturally.

Not a Coincidence

It was not a coincidence that I started booking better jobs
and ones that were perfect for my look.

Really great film to work on “Fishbowl.”

Figuring Out Your Look

It is essential that you clearly understand your look.
That means, how others view you. It is not a “good or
bad” look, but instead what types of roles will you
realistically be cast in.

Without that information, your photos will not
match the right auditions for you and make it
nearly impossible to get auditions that make

So, having grey hair, not having grey hair, it is all dependent
on whether it matches your face.

Let others know if you made hair color decisions by leaving a
comment below.

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youtube.com/c/aaronmarcusactingandmodelingquicktips, then you want to Subscribe now
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Let me know if you have any topics you want me to discuss in an upcoming
Acting and Modeling Quick Tip Video.

Talk soon.

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