When an agent tells you that you are the clients first choice, what does that really mean?

At first, it is exciting news.

But then you will learn that even if that
information is true, you can still be very
far away from booking the job.

It is not that an agent is lying, perhaps that is what the client
told the agent. But things change.

I was once the number 1 choice for a really big print campaign.
I had worked with the production company before and we all got
along really well. I was very excited to hear I was the client’s
1st choice. I assumed I had this great booking.

At some point, the character that they needed aged about 10 years,
and I guess I was no longer number 1 – or even in the running.

So, even though it might feel great and you get excited about the good
news, always remember that until you are booked (and even then sometimes things change), don’t get too excited until you do the job
and get paid.

Have you ever experienced losing a job you thought you had booked?
If so, share your experience with others.

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