The acting and modeling industry can be frustrating at times. If you are not really savvy, there are ways you react to situations that can blow up your career – in a bad way.

Don’t trash your career

I had a situation with an audition and call back for a TV show that was very frustrating. I felt angry about having to jump through so many hoops. It seemed like I was being asked to do things for crazy reason.

When you watch this video you will learn what I had to do and why it was so hard for me. Boy, I am really glad that I decided not to say what I was initially feeling. Took a lot of deep breaths, went out for a run and calmed myself down.
Later in the day, I decided to do what the director requested and I wound up booking the job.

Tell me if there was one thing in this video that was similar to an experience you had.

If something is making you feel angry or frustrated and you just want to lash out, make sure you calm down and get your mind in a clear place.
I am not saying that you should never speak your mind, but there are ways
that you can get your point across in a very productive way.

Do This at an Audition and You Won’t Book the Job
Here is another article for you that will help you on your
acting or modeling journey.

Watch Over 200 Free Acting and Modeling Quick Tip Videos
You can Subscribe and watch over 200 acting and modeling quick tip
videos on my YouTube Channel.

Looking forward to talking with you again soon.

Take care.

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