One of the difficult aspects about our  industry for me is how often people don’t return phone calls, text messages or emails. It has taken me a while to understand that we can’t really understand why someone does not respond to our message. It is not necessarily a statement about the person not liking or wanting to talk with us. There are many reasons why messages are not returned. Although it can be frustrating at times, I also have learned that many of us have incredibly busy lives, and we have to prioritize who and how we respond to others.

Even though I have learned not to take things personally, still  when someone does not return a call, it can be frustrating. When people leave messages for me, I always try to have the courtesy to at least respond to them as soon as possible. Even if it is just to say that I can’t talk now, and to let them know that I will be back in touch soon. That is how I like to run my acting, modeling and workshop business.

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