In my 33 plus years as a full-time actor and model, I have never experience anything as crazy as this time period. Hopefully, the video I created for you will help.

You can watch the video by using this link:

I have never seen everything shut down on such a large scale. Sure, I have seen weather related closings or projects being postponed for a short time
period due to weather, but, I have never witnessed the closings on such a large scale.

I would never tell anyone not to worry, but I do offer a few ways to get through this tough situation.

This can be a time period to get a lot of things accomplished. Things you wanted but never had time to get done.

Continuing to study is a smart so that you will be even more ready when the industry begins to pick up again. I have more people contacting me for help with my private one-on-one online mentoring program. I think this is a smart thing to do. Stay sharp, get better at your craft and continue to feel connected.

While watching the video, you will also learn other ways to lead your life that can make you even stronger during this tough time period.

Let me and others know how you are coping. Share your thoughts here.

If there is one thing you got from the video that you found helpful, please share that as well.

We all need to stick together and help each other. We will get through this, and hopefully come out on the other side stronger, more talented and better people.

Can’t wait to talk with you again soon.

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