I was attending a go-see in New York last week. As with most go-sees (auditions for modeling jobs) in NY, this was a cattle call. Even though I was requested to be seen, still, there were at least 50 people being seen for this project.

I was talking with the assistant to the casting director. She was helping to sign people in and get them to fill out their size cards.  This card gets handed in to the photographer along with the
model’s composite sheet.

During our conversation, I learned that she free-lances with a few casting directors.  As it turned out, she also works for a large casting facility. I have been there for TV commercial castings. I asked if she would accept my head shot so that I could be considered for future auditions at the casting facility. She said sure, she was more than happy to have my head shot placed in the files. This will allow me to be kept in mind for future auditions.
So, you never know how helpful an audition or go-see can be – even if you don’t book the job.

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