When you get the exciting news about a print (modeling) booking, there are a number of questions you need to ask your agent before accepting the job.

Making sure you are free the date of the shoot is the most important question.  I would also want to know what or whom the ad is for. If you do not want to be associated or support the ad campaign, let your agent know. I know models and actors who will not do ads for meat products, alcohol, furs, gambling or for certain medical issues. Make sure you stick by your convictions, and don’t accept any job that compromises your values or beliefs.

Here is a list of questions I always ask the agent.

Date of the shoot
For what company, type of business or product is the ad being created
Location of the shoot
Who is the photographer
Who gets invoiced for the job
Will they cover travel
Will they cover parking
Will they have a makeup artist
How long will the shoot last
How long will the ad run
What wardrobe do I need to bring
What is the usage for the ad (newspaper, magazine, etc…)
Fees – is it an hourly fee or a day rate, or a buyout)

Always have a paper and pen when you are asking these questions so you can easily write down the answers.

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