For many years I was trying to get representation with a particular agent in the New England area. For whatever reason, I would never hear from the agency after mailing them my new head shot, comp card and cover letter. This has been going on for years.

About two weeks ago I sent out an email up-date letter to about 600 agents, producers, photographers, art/creative directors from ad agencies and casting directors. These are people who I have either auditioned for or worked with over the years. Amazingly the agent from New England wrote back and said that she wanted to work with me, and asked me to send her my new head shot and comp card.

I don’t know if this agent decided to represent me now because one of their actors or models in my category decided to leave, which opened up a space for me. Or, perhaps they learned that there really is work (which means money for the agent) for someone like me, who looks like everyone’s next door neighbor, or maybe they just got tired of saying no!!! Sometimes it is hard to understand why people are and are not interested in either hiring us for a booking or wanting to represent us.

The main thing is that no matter what happens, just keep moving ahead, keep trying new ideas, appreciate your abilities and specialness, never take things personally, and always feel proud of what you are doing.

Sometimes being persistent is the difference between having success or just giving up and feeling angry.

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