5 thoughts on “What Really Happens When You Make This Mistake During an Audition

  1. Hi Aaron:

    Great advice. I know it’s easy to get obsessed with this kind of thing. As I am now a man of a certain age, Line memorization comes with more effort. Any chance you will be offering a seminar on tips and tricks for memorizing lines? I had a particularly tough time on an industrial where I was the principal and had 11 pages of lines (highly technical in nature) that were mine alone and had received the script only one week prior to the shoot. The producer/director said we were going to shoot it straight through like a play. I said “Not!”. I interacted with characters who had at the most about a half page each and required variations of the same information making it a little confusing, but we got through it! Anyway, if you ever have a seminar where you impart your methods and wisdom on this, let me know.


    1. Hi Mike,

      Wow, 11 pages. That is a lot. As we get older, the younger person in the industrial asks, “So, how does this work” and then we get to ramble on for days.
      I remember being the younger guy asking that question. In my latest Tear Sheet Newsletter, I interviewed an actor who discusses how he memorizes lines.
      I also have a few blogs on my web site, http://www.howtomodel.com that discusses this topic.

      Congratulations on the gig.

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