Audition Secrets Online Workshop
Audition Secrets Online Workshop
Join thousands of actors getting free weekly advice you can use instantly—plus receive instant access to the 6 Secrets to Mastering Home Auditions video as our welcome gift to you.
Thank you so much for this information. I really enjoyed your workshop and learned a lot from it and will put it to use in this industry. So thank you again for taking the time to spend with all of us at 2015 Summer SHINE.
God Bless
Cylinda McAlister
You are very welcome. And, thanks so much for the kind words.
I hope you decide to sign up for my special Meetup Session that
will take place on the 13th. I have a limited amount of folks
who can attend live, so you should sign up as soon as possible
to be guaranteed a seat.
I look forward to talking with you again soon.