8 thoughts on “Acting and Modeling Quick Tip With Aaron Marcus – You Must Add These 2 Things to Your Audition

  1. Hi Aaron,
    I enjoyed hearing you speak at the John Casablanca’s NY tour. As you where speaking, I felt a sense of kindness and openness from you.
    I have a question. When I try to apply myself for different casting calls. What is the best way to word the note/email to the director.
    Should I say, Hi, My name is Rachel Justice? Or should I say Dear Casting Director?
    Should I say I am interested in auditioning for you? Or is that already obvious? Should I take a sentence to describe myself to how I would fit the part I am trying out for? Should I say, if I am a good fit for you my links are https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ107TQolJw0TGAcvm2BBFw or should I say I look forward to your audition process?
    Thank you for reading this Aaron,

    1. Hi Rachel.

      Thank you so much for the kind words. I would definitely say Hi Jeff or Dear Mr. Ringwald. I would not just say Dear Casting Director. Make it personal.

      If there is a specific role that you are right for, then you can say, I am Rachel Justice and I would be perfect to play the role of Dr. Marcus. I have been cast as a doctor in
      ????. I would also have you head shot on the top of your letter head so the casting director can see your face while reading your note.

      I would like the opportunity to read for ????

      Rachel, in my book, How to Become a Successful Commercial Model – http://howtomodel.com/book/

      you will see a sample cover letter. If you are interested, you can order it from my site and
      receive 2 great directories free.

      Thanks again for the kind note, and always feel free to reach out with additional questions.


  2. Good afternoon, Aaron.

    Thank you for your professional advice. I will remember to follow your instructions the next time I audition.

    Best regards,
    Edna Metcalf

  3. Aaron,

    Thank you for reminding us all to not be afraid to take our moment before and our moment after. I have found this works in auditions for theatre as well as film/TV. And it tends to help calm me down. Also, thank you for demonstrating. It’s so much better when one can see what someone is talking about.

    Have a blessed week!


  4. Thank you Aaron for the wonderful tips about taking your moments before and after an audition. How very smart and now I know that tip too. Thank you again and I will look forward to trying this technique. Best Gwen

    1. You are very welcome Gwen. I am glad to hear that you find it helpful.
      Gwen, if you have not done this yet, you might want to get my 3
      free videos. You can have them sent to you simply by visiting http://www.howtomodel.com.

      Let me know when you get the chance to use this technique next.

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