Whenever you are submitting a JPEG for either acting or modeling, always use this tip. Share your information with others below. Do you have any interesting tips that will help actors and or models when submitting their images?
Whenever you are submitting a JPEG for either acting or modeling, always use this tip. Share your information with others below. Do you have any interesting tips that will help actors and or models when submitting their images?
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A few years ago, Pat Moran requested sending pictures in the format you mentioned. If not, your information would be discarded on the spot. I’ve used it for every submission ever since, including my resume. Every email I send also has a “signature” with my name, union status, phone number and email address. Unless directed otherwise, I also provide links to my youtube page with demo reels and photo page for more pictures. If you leave them guessing, they’ll click that “Delete” button and move on to someone else that followed their directions and/or made their job as easy and stress free as possible.
Great points Dave. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely. If there are any topics you want me to discuss, always feel free to reach out to me.
Yes, agents and casting directors are very specific on how they want things labeled.
Always follow their directions.
Thank you! Great Tip!!
You are very welcome. Glad you found it helpful.
A very help tip. Thank you so much.
Thanks Deany. I am glad you found it helpful.
Do you have any tips for actors and models when it comes to