Short Film Casting Call!

JEFFERY (Featured, 3 lines)
Hispanic. 20s – 40s. One of Marco’s henchmen. He respects Marco and would never cross him. Does what he is told.
*will be cast from video submission – submit to receive sides

TOM (Featured extra)
Hispanic. 20s – 40s. One of Marco’s henchmen. One of Marco’s henchmen. He respects Marco and would never cross him. Does what he is told.
*will be cast from photos

CURT (cast)
MARCO (cast)
ROBERT (cast)

Synopsis: The local crime boss, Marco, accuses the dry cleaner owner of sleeping with his wife. Marco makes a deal with Curt; if Curt wins a hand of poker, his life will be spared. Unfortunately, Curt loses. Marco asks one of his henchmen to complete the job, but he has the gun turned on him by the true adulterer.

Please submit to . Shooting Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th. IMDb credit, copy, meals. Thank you!

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