I recently had a very interesting audition for a feature film. I looked

over the sides (the portion of the script I was reading for the audition),

and felt very comfortable with my choices and delivery. I asked the

director if I should read to him, and he said yes.

As I finished my opening line, I looked at the reader to hear his line. He

did not read anything. I paused for a second thinking that he forgot to read

his words. He just stared at me. It became very clear that he was not going

to respond to me at all.

There were many possible ways I could have continued with the audition. I

decided to simply read my lines in a way that made it seem as if I had a long

scene. Instead of having a conversation with the other actor, I only talked to him.

After the read he gave me a specific scenario for my character, and just asked me to

improvise the scene.

I am guessing the director wanted to see if I could quickly think on my feet

before giving me the opportunity to see more of my improve skills.

Having a good feeling about what I did at this read is the only thing

I can ask for at an audition. It was also a lot of fun.

Let me know if you have ever had an unusual audition. Leave a comment below.

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