After getting notified that you have a casting,
you begin working hard on creating an incredible home audition.

Audition Preparation

Have confidence in your audition

You research, figure out your character, understand
the changes and when they occur.

After that, you decide who the scene is about. If you
are auditioning for a TV show, make sure you watch a few episodes,
know the characters, pacing and type of show.

After that, you try and memorize the lines (if you can.) These are just
a few of the many things all successful actors do when preparing
to audition for a film, TV show or commercial.

If you do find out, it can make you so frustrated
You might not even know that your audition was deleted

But you do this –
and the casting director might delete
your audition 
without even looking at it.
Here is why.

Your instructions will also include the technical
aspects of the audition, including your slate.

This is why it is essential that you know how the
casting director expects you to slate.

Carefully read over the slating directions.
For example, sometimes the slate happens at the beginning or
at the end of the audition.

A slate is sometimes requested to be placed in a separate file.
Every casting director explains the angles needed during the slate.
They can vary from casting director to casting director.
Sometimes the slate will be shot close up and other times a
full body shot is needed and sometimes both are required.

Home auditions can feel like the instructions given when
writing a term paper.

You did everything asked of you,
uploaded and sent off the audition. Congratulations.

Don’t forget about this

Don’t forget about labeling your file correctly.

Do they want the file labeled as  Last Name_
First Name_Character Name_Agency_Height

Whatever is asked of you, always label it correctly
because casting directors will delete auditions not labeled
as requested.

Submitting a Head Shot?

In addition, whenever you submit a head shot, make sure you label
the file with your first name, last name and phone number.
Sometimes casting directors will simply delete your head shot because
they can’t see the name of the actor in the naming of the file.

Always, always, always, follow all of the specific instructions
very carefully. This will not guarantee you a booking,
but it will guarantee your audition will be seen.

If you have any audition hints that will help other actors,
share them here or on my page.

Don’t forget, you can watch many more Acting and Modeling Quick Tip Videos on my You Tube Channel.

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