Are you frustrated when not booking auditions? If so, try these 4 things.

Watch this video and learn how to feel better after feeling frustrated when you aren’t booking auditions. And, learn how to take much better care of yourself.

Acting Can Be Frustrating

Feeling Frustrated After Not Booking Auditions

It can be very frustrating for actors not to book after auditions. Some actors get angry and just want to give up and leave the acting industry. I understand and get that feeling.

Begin Feeling Better

The first thing that all actors need to do is feel great about just getting the audition. Most actors don’t realize that getting an acting audition is hard. There are so many headshots/resumes submitted to casting. Only a small percentage of actors are invited to audition.

Don’t Try to Book The Audition

It is essential that actors don’t try to book the audition. That puts too much pressure on us. What actors should do is enjoy themselves during their read. This can happen if they prepare well and give a smart and interesting read.

Actors Have Full Control Over Their Audition

Actors need to understand that we have full control over our audition.

We need to:

Prepare Well

Do our research (understand the type of project (comedy/drama) –  watch the show or if it’s a film, look at the directors previous work to have a better understanding of how to read your lines.

Study the Sides

If possible, memorize or at least have the sides near you to reference them if needed.

Wear Appropriate Clothing

Wear clothing that makes sense for the character. Don’t wear a full costume and insult the casting director.

Use Good Auditioning Techniques

Make sure your eye-line changes if talking to multiple characters

The Audition

Never choose a generic choice to avoid making a “wrong” decision for your character.

Always make interesting and specific choices. We never know what people are looking for in a read. So, don’t play that game of trying to figure out what the casting director wants to see and read your audition with that concept in mind. It won’t work.

Take Your Time

Don’t rush making your audition, but always try and get the audition back to casting as soon as possible.

You Have No Control Over Who Gets Cast

Always remember, we have absolutely no control over who gets cast.

Once we upload the audition, it is out of our hands.

Do Something Nice For Yourself

You got the audition. Now is the time to celebrate that achievement. You worked hard at preparing, shooting and uploading the audition. You need to treat yourself to something nice. Give yourself something you really like. Whether it is buying ice cream or anything that will make you happy. You deserve to celebrate a little.

You did everything you needed to do, and now sit back and go onto the next

Another Helpful Video to Watch

7 Essential Acting Apps

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