I felt crazy repeating lines right before a scene was shot
I felt crazy repeating my lines before a scene was shot

I felt absolutely crazy repeating lines before shooting every scene. Fortunately, I figured out this technique doesn’t work for me and stopped preparing this way.

Repeating Lines Made Me Feel Absolutely Crazy

Before my scene was shot, I used the same technique that I did before taking a final. I would sit in class and quickly read over my notes as quickly as I could. Of course, I was not thinking at that point. It was almost like doing something that I thought would comfort me. It didn’t work too well in school either.

Why Repeating Lines Before Shooting a Scene Made Me Feel Crazy

Repeating the lines so many times separated me from the material. I need to make one thing clear. I find that repeating lines over and over again can be a really good way to memorize lines. What I am talking about here is mindlessly repeating lines right be shooting the scene. This repetition made me feel more distant from the material.

My brain felt numb and wasn’t connecting to any of the material. I was taken away from the emotional aspects of the scene. This technique made me became very robotic which made it difficult for me to perform the scene in the way I should.

This Technique Helps Me Before Shooting a Scene

Music has a major impact on my emotions. Finding a song that either relaxes me
and or places me in the right emotional place for my character is incredibly helpful.

After going over my lines and feeling confident that I know the words, then, I listen to the
music. This is the best way for me to prepare for shooting a scene.


If you have have any suggestions on techniques you use right before your scene is shot, leave a comment on the YouTube Channel page.

Another Helpful Video to Watch

A Horrible Audition Mistake Cost Me A Job – 1 Solution


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