When you are creating your resume or listing
personal information on your composite sheet, you
need to have a phone number so people know
how to reach you.

If you have an agent, then it is pretty simple,
you simply have your agents information listed.
If you don’t have representation, or if you are
marketing yourself on your own, then you will
need to list your phone number. This is where
things can get a little dangerous.

After handing in your head shot or composite sheet
at an audition or go-see, we have no idea who will
see our photos. If they are thrown away, then
many people outside of the industry could see
your pictures and get your personal contact

Here is an amazing way to help protect yourself.
from strangers getting your personal information.

An actor who recently took my workshop shared
an incredible idea that I want to offer you.

If you visit http://www.google.com/voice, you can get a
phone number absolutely free. And, you can set things up
so that anyone who calls that number will be transferred
to your cell or home phone, or any other phone you desire.

This allows you to know that it is a business call, and
you don’t have to give out your personal phone number.

One of the things that I love about giving my
workshops is that I learn so much from others.

Thank you Sarah for this incredible suggestion.

If anyone has other tips that will be helpful to
actors and models, please leave your comment and information

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