While giving workshops in South Africa, I got an email telling me I was booked for an ABC pilot.

It is very hard to get these types of bookings. Casting directors can receive anywhere between 500-1500 head shot/resume submissions per role.

Then, only a small percentage of those actors get the chance to audition.

After auditioning, (in my case), the L.A. casting director, N.Y. casting director and the Atlanta casting director each sent their top choice to the Network for final decisions. This time, I got the booking.

This will be the first of a series of videos that give you a behind the scenes look of working on a pilot.

Since I signed an NDA (non disclosure agreement) I can’t give any specific details of the show, but you will learn what takes place on the set.

Feel free to share this video throughout your social media pages. Help your fellow actors and models learn more about the industry.

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Can’t wait to talk with you again soon.



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