This is a principal that I have used for my entire career.
However, only recently have I actually written it down
and explained to others.

I truly believe this is an important way to have true success in whatever
you want to pursue in life.

This concept is something that I mention during my workshops
and I believe it is a great way to run your acting and modeling business.

Running your business begins with the S.H.A.R.E. Principal.

S.H.A.R.E. stands for:

S – start
H – homework
A – agents
R – resiliency
E – enjoy

S. Sounds crazy but in order to have success one must start. So many people want to enter the industry but never do.

H. There might be a few people who are simply discovered and have the natural ability to have success, but most of us
have worked and continue to take classes, study with great teachers, and practice on our own.

A. Although I teach people how to get work on their own, it is always best to have an agent. They will know about more jobs that are available, and
make sure you get paid the correct amount.

R. In our business, where most of the time we are told that we are not wanted (most of us book only a fraction of the jobs we audition for), it is
very important not to take things personally and easily be able to recover and bounce back from disappointments.

E. We must enjoy what we do. One has to feel the passion for any job they have. Otherwise, it is very difficult to have real success.

That is my S.H.A.R.E. Principal. I hope this concept is helpful to you as well.

If you have any comments about S.H.A.R.E. please let your comment below.

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