After you create and print a composite sheet, this is what I would suggest you do first. I think it makes a lot more sense to create a sample composite sheet first. Simply scan and print the photos along with your name, contact information and your stats on a plain sheet of white paper at a local printer. If the agent loves the shots, then invest in comp cards. If not, then at least you did not waste a lot of money unnecessarily. Some printing companies will require a written release from the photographer giving you permission to make a copy, so ask your photographer for a release that gives you permission to copy the shots.

If you read my book, How to Become a Successful Commercial Model, you will learn exactly how to create incredible commercial photos that will give you your best chance to getting representation and work. You will even learn how to get photos taken free. The book can be ordered at You will receive 2 incredible directories free when ordering the book from this site.

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