6 thoughts on “The One Mistake Many Actors Make When Auditioning From Home (Video Blog)

  1. Hi Aaron,

    I just wanted to thank you for your blogs. I have been acting for quite some time now and still haven’t really landed any substantial work for a reel or anything else. After a personal setback, I am preparing g to gear up for the challenge off attacking this business again. Your letters and videos inspire me to do it all again, hopefully, with a lots more success.

    Thanks again!

    Laura Tenn Richards

    1. Laura, thanks so much for the kind words.
      I am so glad you are feeling inspired.

      What area are you trying to get work in?

      Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
      I also offer private online coaching in case you are
      interested. I know my information will be very helpful to you.

      You can read more about my coaching at

      Take care.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I am doing my first online audition and I found this information very useful. Thank you for all your tips and congratulations on booking a feature film using this method.

    1. Thanks so much Erica. I really appreciate you taking the time
      to send a kind note. Erica, are there any specific topics
      you would like me to discuss in future video blogs?

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