Tom Hanks shared acting advice with me. I had the good fortune to get the opportunity to audition, book the role and work with him on a feature film called “A Man Called Otto.” All actors should watch this video and learn from Tom Hanks. He is an incredibly insightful person with really helpful advice.

Working With
Academy Award Winning Actors

Working with Academy Award Winning Actor Ellen Burstyn was amazing.

This was the third time I had scenes with Academy Award Winning Actors.
Along with working with the great Tom Hanks, the other two were Ellen Burstyn and Dame Judi Dench. All three were just wonderful people to work with on sets.

A Producer Once Shared This Advice With Me

I was working on a TV show and the producer said something that I want to share with you. His advice was very helpful.

He finds that stars are generally easy to work with. His has found that people just getting started are easy as well.
It is the ones who have been in the industry for a long time and never
reached the success they expected are the difficult actors.
I still remember that comment and I find it to be pretty accurate.

The Atmosphere On The Set
Starts From The Top

I have always found that the atmosphere on a film set starts with the director. Certainly, the stars of the project will effect the feel of the production as well.

If the director is nice and thoughtful, it works its way down to the others. The friendly atmosphere will work its way to the The 1st AD (Assistant Director) to the crew and down to the PA’s (production assistants.)

I thanked Tom Hanks for helping to create such a wonderful set. I loved his response. He also sets the tone. And, his wife, the great actor Rita Wilson (who was one of the producers on this film) was also so kind, thoughtful and generous.

If You Become a Star

If you become a star, I have 2 requests.

  1. Would you give me a few days of work on your project?
  2. Please, treat others on the set the same way you want to be treated.

After watching this video please share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you ever get the opportunity, jump at the chance to work with either Tom Hanks or Rita Wilson. You will absolutely love the experience.

Get More Acting Advice – Here’s Another Helpful Video To Watch

Frustrated When Not Booking Auditions – Try These 4 Things

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Can’t wait to talk again soon.


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