It is very easy to feel paranoid in this business. Since we are selling ourselves, it is essential we never take any type of rejection personally. Everything is a business, not a personal decision.
A friend of mine told me about a feature film audition she recently attended. She asked me if I auditioned as well because there was one part that was perfect for me. I had not been called in to read for the film.
So, I called my agent to see if she had submitted me for the project. The agent explained to me that when she gets information about a new casting, she submits the talent who are perfect for the part. Then (at least with this casting director) it is the casting director who decides which actors will be asked to read for the role. I was told that I was submitted for the audition, but not requested to be seen by the casting director.
There are so many reasons why the CD (casting director) might or might not want someone to read for a role. It could be age, ethnicity, height, look, perhaps she already has someone in mind for the part, who knows. At least I knew that my agent was representing me well, and submitting me for parts that seem right for me.
Have you ever experienced not getting a call about a go-see or audition? If so, let us know how you dealt with it. Leave a comment below.