Actors and models should watch out for these 2 acting scams. I had a chance to watch and experience 2 different companies that were trying to scam both actors and models.

For the first acting scam, I knew from the very start that they were illegitimate. But, I portrayed myself as a complete acting beginner with no experience. This allowed me to see exactly how they operated and ripped people off.

The second company was offering me a great modeling job. Fortunately, I know the modeling industry well and was able to ask the right questions to see they were running a scam.

Trust your instincts. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is a scam.

There are so many people who truly want to enter the acting and modeling industry or take their career to the next level. Unfortunately, they don’t know the industry well enough to know what questions to ask to make sure the company is legitimate and not a scam.

When you watch this video to the end, you will learn how to spot the acting and modeling scams. And, what questions to ask and more importantly, what answers you should expect to receive.

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