I decided to start working with an agent who I
had known about for many years. The agency has a great
reputation, and has been in business for many years.
They are located about 8-hours from my home, so I knew
that getting work with them would be somewhat limited.

They told me that I needed to work exclusively with them
in their market. I did not have a problem with that
agreement. All of the materials they requested were
sent, and I was on their web site as well. However, I was
not getting any calls from them.

Whenever things are slow with an agent, I always
contact them and ask if there is anything I can
do to help make more work happen. I listen to their
suggestions, and take their advice.

After a year went by and I was still not getting
any calls about auditions, go-sees or bookings,
so I contacted them again. I would stay in touch,
let them know what I had recently worked on,
sent some new photos, and still heard nothing.

After being with the agent for two years,
and not getting any calls for auditions, go-sees
or work, I decided it was time to make a change.

I don’t take switching agents lightly. When I find an
agent who I personally like, I want to stay with them.
However, sometimes you do everything you possibly
can to make the “relationship” work, but still sometimes
you have to move on.

I contacted the agent to let them know that unfortunately,
I could not continue to work with them. Within a month of working
with a new agent in that market, I got a chance to audition for a TV series.

I just E-mailed the audition for the show, so wish me luck.

I always do whatever I can to try and stay with an agent. However,
sometimes, after doing everything you can to make things work,
still, you have to make a change.

So, before you seriously consider switching agents, here is what I
would suggest you do first.

1. Arrange a meeting with the agent to see what you can do to help bring in more auditions, go-sees or bookings.

2. Follow the agent’s suggestions

3. Give the agent time, and ask if he/she has any thoughts as to why you are not getting any activity.

4. If after a year or 18 months, and you have done everything you were asked to do, and still, no calls,
then consider looking into other representation.

Let me know your thoughts. Have you ever had to switch agents? How and why do\id you make the change? Add a new comment below.

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