I recently booked a modeling job for a pharmaceutical company. The medication helps people who have a common medical problem. I asked the agent my normal list of questions such as:


What is the product

What is the usage (newspaper, magazine, etc…)

Will they have a makeup artist

What are the hours

What wardrobe do I need to bring

How long is the ad going to run

What is the fee for the job

Since I will be traveling to another state for the shoot – is there a travel fee

What is the parking situation

For the usage question, I was told that the company wanted to do a Buy Out, which  means that they can use the ad forever.

Unfortunately, Buy Outs happen more often in today’s market than in past years. Although models will receive a bonus for a buy out, which is great, the problem that occurs is that we can be kept from working for any competitors of that product forever. Fortunately for me, my face will be unrecognizable in this particular ad. So, even though  I will still receive a buy out fee, I won’t be restricted from working for other competing products, since I won’t be clearly seen in the ad.

Sometimes it can be good to be unrecognizable in an ad.


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